DNS prefers UDP. There are times when DNS must run on TCP (request or response size exceeds a single packet, perhaps due to too many response records), but UDP is...
My team at Cruise operates tens of Kubernetes clusters with 10,000s cores and 100s of TB of RAM. Since migration to GCP, we have hit several interesting scaling issues. One...
Pods in Kubernetes are the smallest orchestration unit and are ephemeral by definition: Deployment/StatefulSet/DaemonSet/ReplicaSet updates or patches Nodepool downscaling (compaction) or upgrades (cordoned and drained)
A super quick recap, one’s complement represents negative x by reverting every bit of x, while two’s complement negative x as one’s complement of x plus 1. Symbolically,
Summary To achieve zero-downtime service update, Kubernetes rolling update implies the API must be both forward and backward compatible. Forward compatibility is hard if at all makes sense. Blue-green update...
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