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Notes: The Lean Startup

Careful planning and execution work for general management but not for startups. Perfect execution is futile if you end up building something nobody wants (waste). The real progress for startups...

Notes: Venture Deals

Before Fundraise: Allow minimum three to six months to raise money. Have a clean cut from last job to avoid IP disputes. Prepare data site (Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws, board...

Scaling Istio

In a large, busy cluster, how do you scale Istio to address Istio-proxy Container being OOM-Killed and Istiod crashes if too many connected istio-proxies?

Work Around Max Count of Security Group Rules on EKS

AWS EKS on VPC networks need AWS Security Group Rules (SG) to receipt ingress traffic. But what if you reach the max rules count in your SG?

Layer-4 Load Balancer & Zero-downtime Autoscaling and Upgrade

Your Kubernetes cluster probably has a shared ingress for north-south traffic, coming from a cloud load balancer and lands on your favorite proxies like Envoy, or Istio gateways, or Nginx....

Kubernetes Networking From the First Principles

We go from containers and network namespace to Pod-to-Pod, Pod-to-Service, and external-client-to-Service networking.